Reduce hair loss and regrow your hair

With our natural FUE Hair Transplant

FUE hair loss treatment


Are you worried about hair loss?

Have you lost your hairline or suffering from male pattern baldness?

If you are one of the many men that have androgenic alopecia or other hair loss issues.

If you want to look years younger with your hair regrown, then you need FUE Hair Transplant


What is FUE?

Very simply Follicular Unit Extraction can eliminate bald or balding patches on your scalp entirely.

This is done by simply transplanting hair from one area of your scalp (the side or back for example) to where the hair is thinning or absent.

The treatment is virtually painless. The procedure does not leave visible scarring and has a fast recovery time. Post-procedure there is very little pain.

This is a completely non-invasive treatment No scalpel or sutures are used, no general anaesthesia.


Due to new technology, it is now possible to transplant hair follicles with a guaranteed natural result



Who is the treatment suitable for?

FUE hair transplantation is suitable for anyone with pattern baldness which has just started or is already advanced.

It is important to understand for the treatment to work their needs to be sufficient donor hairs available.  So we will remove follicles from the side and back of the head and transplant to the areas where there is less hair.

To determine whether  FUE hair transplant is suitable for you, you can come into the clinic for a free consultation or you can send us pictures of your head from the back front and sides.

before an after FUE treatment at MECB bangkok


The treatment

From the comfort of a state of the art procedure room, the patient will be given a choice of films to watch on DVD.

The graft zone will be shaved, the larger the area to be covered, the larger the area to be shaved will be.
A local anaesthetic is applied and the desired number of grafts are removed.
The removed grafts are then placed back at the site of thinning hair

The residual holes will close up on their own within 2 to 3 hours without the need of stitches. Modern techniques remove grafts and leave no visible mark.

This process to add 1,500+ grafts can take 8 -10 hours so you need to allow a full day at the clinic. Our FUE doctor will work thoroughly, delicately and precisely to complete in the fastest possible time.



Post- FUE procedure:

There is very little pain after the procedure except perhaps for a slight prickling sensation.

Swelling is rare but can happen if the hair replacement zone is close to the forehead or temples.

Micro-holes from taking the grafts will heal completely within a few days and new hairs will appear after 8 to 10 days.

The patient will be able to use shampoo after the 3rd day provided he is careful and simply “dabs” the scalp. This will need to be repeated over the next 7 days.

Often the grafts fall out around the 10th day. It is, in fact, the developing cells of the hair bulb that remain grafted and that will produce the new hair. Towards the end of the first month, some of  “your” hairs that are in contact with the grafts may also fall out. It is therefore not unusual for hair growth, in general, to be less during the 2nd month. Towards the 3rd month, both the grafts (and any hairs that may have fallen when they were in contact with the grafts) will systematically grow back.

Swimming in a pool or in the sea, as well as exposure to the sun is not recommended for at least three weeks following the procedure – this is to avoid disturbing the healing grafts.


The FUE procedure: results

In the majority of cases, results should be visible after 6 months but they may take up to a year.

Using this technique for hair replacement, results are fantastic and the hair should look natural and full.


The FUE procedure: the cost

The cost will depend on the number of grafts.

A procedure involving 1500 grafts (more than 4000 hairs)

Special promotion price 59,000 THB

There are no other hidden costs or charges


Reduce hair loss | Regrow your hair | Make yourself look younger!

Contact HE Clinic today and find out about our FUE Hair Transplant Treatment for Men


Book Your FREE Consultation!


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